All About MapBuilder.Net
MapBuilder lets you tag locations on a Google or Yahoo map and publish it on your own site. Mapping is now easier than ever. It's free.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Google Maps API Version 1 Shut Down
Today, November 7, 2006 Google Maps API Version 1 appears to be shut down by Google Maps Team. We do not see any official messages yet, but looks like API v1 is replaced by default v2.66 API.
How all this influence MapBuilder users? itself has been upgraded to v2 couple months ago.
2.Source code generated by has been upgraded as well and correspondent notice was sent to all users.
3.And even more, we were able to update our code base and make maps working for those users who did not upgrade their maps to v2. But we strongly recommend to update your source code even if your map works without any update.
Local community river groups: England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Ireland

This interactive map contains a lot of data, so it sometimes takes a minute or two to load. You can zoom, scroll, and centre the map using the arrow and slider controls on the top left. Click on a red blob to see details of each river group. The groups are also listed by region underneath the map, with links and contact details where we have them.